Get to the value
buried in your
messy data

There's tremendous value locked away in hard to work with data...
....but modern tools and techniques are making it easier to extract than ever before.

Knobi is a cloud platform that helps you leverage those tools / techniques with minimal lead time.

Here's how it works:

You've Got Data

Messy, disorganized, unstructured data.

You know there's value there, but not how to work with it at scale.

You get Knobi

Out of the box, your Knobi instance gives you access to popular tools & frameworks for handling that data.

It includes exciting recent tech like LLMs and Vector Stores.

But it also handles "nuts & bolts" stuff, like scheduling and authentication.

You Get To Work

With a user friendly interface, and templates for common techniques, you start to unlock the value in the data you already had.

When you're ready to go beyond common use cases, Knobi's customization layer let's you extend your instance to create unique, scalable solutions.


Tell me More

Here's a few things Knobi customers are building...

...a chat based search interface for knowledge bases. automated summary generator for community discussions.

...a tool to connect cancer patients with clinical trials.

...a process to draft candidate summaries from CRM records.

What will you build?

A knew Knobi instance comes with...

...connectors to common data sources.

...access to generative AI models.

...a cloud hosted vector database.

...templates for techniques like data extraction, summarization and semantic search.

...a job scheduler for automated processes.

...three types of interfaces: chat UIs, runnable jobs, and API endpoints.

...user and permission management.

We like to call it "Go Code"

The main Knobi interface is a "no-code" style platform. You create custom scenarios by configuring and combining various connectors, processes and interfaces through a user friendly UI.

For example: You might combine a GDrive connection, a Qdrant connection, a process to embed and store documents, and chat interface to build a knowledge base Q&A tool. All without writing any code.

If you want to extend Knobi, you can create "custom elements" (connectors, processes and interfaces) by writing Python. Using the Knobi SDK, I can make these custom elements configurable, declare their dependencies, and register them in my Knobi instance.

The registered elements then appear in the UI the same way the out-of-the-box elements do. From the perspective of the user, it's a still a "no-code" app that just got more features.

Let's Talk....

Is Knobi right for you?

Drop us a line and we'll let you know!

Use this form to tell us a bit about you and the value you want to dig out of your data.

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