Hey Community Managers

If you said something like this recently...

"We have more members but they engage less
we're seeing the same activity as last year."

...you can skip the rest of site and drop your email here.

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Your members want to get involved...

They want to learn... They want to teach...

They want to make connections.

They want to buy, sell, find jobs, hire people, make changes, realize dreams!

They want to encourage and be encouraged.

The bigger your community grows, the more they want to - but the harder it gets.

Knobi offers 3 tools that make it easier.

(And we'll work with just about any platform you can imagine.)

Intro Bot

Knobi's Intro Bot helps new members overcome the "where to start" problem with personalized recommendations.

Not another onslaught of onboarding DMs! This bot will respond to new member intro posts to recommend the top three channels, threads, or conversations.

Recommendations are unique for every user based on their background.

Connections Bot

Users helping users is what community is all about, but in active communities it's easy for posts to get missed.

Our Connections Bot keeps an eye out for unanswered questions and other requests for help.

If they go more than 2 days without an answer, the bot finds users who can help, and invites them to chime in.

Knowledge Bot

Sometimes members know exactly what they're looking for, but the chances of finding it with your search bar? They're usually pretty slim.

The Knobi Knowledge Bot gives users a chat-based way to find community wisdom.

Deployed as an in-app bot or standalone, the KB can answer your members questions and provide them links to the most helpful discussion threads - whether they happened last week or last year.

Custom Dev for Communities

Did we say we only have 3 tools?

Knobi also supports custom extensions which have allowed us to create AI powered automations as unique as your community.

Do your CMs need help keeping tabs on hot topics?

Does that weekly newsletter of highlights take you a whole day to put together?

We can help.